The Daily Facepalm
"Breaking News: Man Discovers He's Been Using Hand Sanitizer as Shampoo for the Past Month"
The Daily Facepalm
"Alien Invasion Averted: Turns Out They Just Wanted To Borrow Our Netflix Password!"
The Daily Facepalm
"Aliens Disappointed to Discover Humans Have Not Yet Mastered Basic Hygiene"
The Daily Facepalm
"The Daily Facepalm: Because Sometimes You Just Can't Even"
The Daily Facepalm
"Alien Invasion Averted, Earth Destroyed Instead"
The Daily Facepalm
"Breaking News: World's Supply of Facepalms Running Dangerously Low!"
The Daily Facepalm
"Alien Invasion Averted by Man Forgetting to Set Alarm Clock"
The Daily Facepalm
"Aliens land on Earth, immediately regret their decision after witnessing human stupidity - The Daily Facepalm"
The Daily Facepalm
"Alien Invasion? Nope, Just Another Monday Morning on Earth!"
The Daily Facepalm
"Alien Invasion Postponed Due to Intergalactic Traffic Jam"