506 Hits
"Breaking News: Concellation Attendees Shocked to Learn They've Been Pronouncing 'Hermione' Wrong This Whole Time, Facepalms Ensue!"
585 Hits
507 Hits
624 Hits
"Concellation attendees facepalm themselves into another dimension: The Facepalm Report with Crash Facepalm"
684 Hits
625 Hits
742 Hits
644 Hits
614 Hits
522 Hits
691 Hits
514 Hits
601 Hits
552 Hits
547 Hits
556 Hits
"Alien Invasion Postponed Due to Intergalactic Traffic Jam: Humanity Breaths Sigh of Relief, Aliens Facepalm"
507 Hits
695 Hits
764 Hits
"Crash Facepalm's 'The Facepalm Report' - Bringing You the Latest in Concellation Fails and Epic Facepalms!"
715 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm Themselves into a New Dimension: The Hilarious Recap by Crash Facepalm"
676 Hits
"Alien Invasion Averted Due to Miscommunication Error: Humans Offered Them Avocado Toast Instead of Surrendering"
437 Hits
"Concellation attendees facepalm in unison as cosplayer mistakes Chewbacca for Harry Potter's pet owl, Hedwig!"
650 Hits
557 Hits
732 Hits
486 Hits
470 Hits
468 Hits
720 Hits
778 Hits
456 Hits
744 Hits
"Alien Invasion Averted by Human's Unintentional Self-Sabotage: Intergalactic Community Breathes Sigh of Relief"
659 Hits
"Crash Facepalm's The Facepalm Report: Breaking News That Will Make You Want to Facepalm So Hard, You'll Travel to a Parallel Universe!"
503 Hits
475 Hits
625 Hits
663 Hits
431 Hits
"Crash Facepalm's The Facepalm Report: Bringing you more facepalms than a Klingon on a malfunctioning holodeck at Concellation!"
683 Hits
"Breaking News: Attendee Attempts Jedi Mind Trick on Hotel Door, Ends Up Facepalming Instead - The Facepalm Report By Crash Facepalm"
464 Hits
"Crash Facepalm's Latest Report: Fans At Concellation Convention Discover They've Been Pronouncing 'Cthulhu' Wrong Their Entire Lives"
521 Hits
625 Hits
791 Hits
"Scientists Successfully Teach Cats Quantum Mechanics, But Still Can't Get Them to Stop Knocking Over Stuff"
454 Hits
541 Hits
483 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm Themselves Into Another Dimension: The Hilarious Report by Crash Facepalm"
407 Hits
"Today's Headline: Humans Still Haven't Invented A Universal Translator, Aliens Continue To Laugh At Us"
596 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm in Unison as Alien Costume Turns Out to be Actual Extraterrestrial"
706 Hits
460 Hits
"Breaking News: Concellation Attendees Shocked to Discover Convention Center Not Actually a TARDIS, Reports 'Crash Facepalm'"
534 Hits
"Today's Headline: Aliens Land on Earth and Ask to Speak with Our Leader. We Send Them to the White House."
478 Hits
"Breaking News: Concellation Attendees Shocked to Discover Convention Center is Not Actually a Spaceship - Report by Crash Facepalm"
753 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm Themselves into Alternate Universe: An Exclusive Report by Crash Facepalm!"
540 Hits
502 Hits
462 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm Themselves into Alternate Dimensions, Says Crash Facepalm's Latest Report!"
652 Hits
340 Hits
509 Hits
451 Hits
"Crash Facepalm's Latest Report: Concellation Attendees Surprised to Learn That Wookiees Aren't Real!"
782 Hits
811 Hits
481 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm Themselves Into Another Dimension, According to Crash Facepalm's Latest Report!"
774 Hits
489 Hits
"Crash Facepalm's The Facepalm Report: Where We Make You Facepalm So Hard, It Becomes A Superpower!"
824 Hits
474 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Left Speechless as 'Crash Facepalm' Reveals Latest Facepalm-Inducing Convention Mishaps!"
911 Hits
466 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm Themselves Into Another Dimension: The Latest Report from Crash Facepalm"
812 Hits
"The Facepalm Report: Concellation Attendees Shocked to Discover They've Been Dressing Up for Wrong Convention All Along!"
803 Hits
825 Hits
"Alien Invasion Postponed Due to Intergalactic Traffic Jam: Humanity Breathes a Sigh of Relief, Aliens Not So Much"
469 Hits
"Crash Facepalm Reports on the Top 10 Most Facepalm-worthy Moments at Concellation - Don't Forget to Bring Your Palm!"
808 Hits
447 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm in Unison as Intergalactic Alien Cosplayer Mistakenly Abducted by Actual Aliens!"
510 Hits
685 Hits
"Concellation Attendees Facepalm Themselves into Another Dimension, According to Crash Facepalm's Report!"
767 Hits
640 Hits
"Crash Facepalm's Latest Report: Attendees at Concellation Shocked to Discover Actual Aliens Not Allowed in the Convention Center"
1048 Hits
808 Hits
857 Hits
820 Hits
707 Hits